Medical/Maritime DTS

Answering the Call: How Your Maritime or Medical/Dental Skills Can Change Lives Throughout history, healing, and ships have been an avenue to show love and compassion, reaching hearts with the …

YWAM Koha Update

Volunteers are the life-blood of the YWAM KOHA ​​​​​​Watch a 60-second update on what’s been happening with the YWAM KOHA: The purpose of YWAM Ships Aotearoa (YSA) is to empower isolated …

Herald of Hope

Kiaora Koutou, In 1826, the sailing vessel, Herald, anchored in Tauranga Harbour. This marked the entrance of God’s Word to the area as Rev. Henry Williams proclaimed the Gospel of …

Let’s Get the Koha Moving

We are in a critical time as we prepare for the deployment of the m/v YWAM KOHA to serve isolated island communities. If you haven’t read our latest blog giving …

COVID-19 Update

In light of the World Health Organization (WHO), Centres for Disease Control (CDC), and multiple Governments including our own, calling for everyone to isolate, YWAM Ships Aotearoa has paused, for …

Ship Open for Tours in Nelson

Youth With A Mission’s newest vessel open for tours in Nelson Youth with a Mission’s (YWAM) newest ship, the m/v YWAM KOHA is berthed in Nelson and will be opening …