Medical/Maritime DTS

Answering the Call: How Your Maritime or Medical/Dental Skills Can Change Lives Throughout history, healing, and ships have been an avenue to show love and compassion, reaching hearts with the …

Go Again Better

The YWAM KOHA is scheduled to depart for deployment in Fiji this week. The ship is abuzz with activity as medical supplies are being sorted and stored, food stocks are …

Bula Vinaka!

At long last, we are excited to report that the YWAM KOHA is in Fiji. For those who have been on this journey with us, you know that the world-wide …

Countdown to Deployment

It’s happening! After months of being tied to the dock, we now have a date and a location for serving in the Pacific. We are excited to finally have more …

An Unexpected Ministry

By all accounts, the five-week Trinity Koha Dental Clinic was a success. In 24 clinic days, 12 volunteer dentists saw 463 patients and provided $165,658 worth of oral healthcare free …