The Final Push for the YWAM KOHA (Part 1)

YWAM Ship Aotearoa (YSA) has a big audacious goal: to empower a healthy future for isolated communities throughout the Pacific

This goal is bigger than any one person or organization. It will take all of us working together. 

YWAM Ships Aotearoa has taken up this challenge and we need your help. We are in the final push to launch the YWAM KOHA into service. 

We have seen unbelievable generosity in so many ways since the ship was gifted last year. We are so encouraged by the number of people willing to give of their time, energy and expertise. We are also grateful for the ones that have given of their finances. 

We are so close to the goal, we can feel it. But we recognise that to get over the line, to push the KOHA out to serve in the Pacific, we now need many people to lean in with us (between now and early 2021) to help get this done. 

Here is a breakdown of our financial needs: 

To complete the work and enable the YWAM KOHA to go – $320,000

  • Fuel – $15,000
  • Maintenance work – $20,000
  • Drydock costs and Survey Fees – $285,000

This amount is due March 20.

To provision the YWAM KOHA for deployment – $170,000

  • Fuel – $85,000
  • Food – $50,000
  • Medical Supplies – $35,000

This amount will be due May 20. 

We have seen a surge in interest in the KOHA. Word is getting out about this incredible dream of YWAM Ships. Now is the time to ungird this work financially. We invite you to partner with us as we work to enable a healthy future for the Pacific.

If you are willing to seize this opportunity to make a difference in isolated communities throughout the Pacific, you can contribute one of 2 ways:

  1. Online at: follow the instructions. 
  2. Through bank transfer using the below information. 
  • Bank Information: Bank of New Zealand
  • Account name: Ships With A Mission NZ* (footnote)
  • Number: 02-0466-0397724-000
  • Include particulars – Final Push
  • Code – Your surname
  • Reference – Your phone number

We thank you for your generosity.

Much love,

The YWAM Ships NZ Team

* Ships with a Mission NZ is a NZ based charity partner of YSA, a gift to SWAM-NZ is a gift to YSA.