Herald of Hope

Kiaora Koutou,

In 1826, the sailing vessel, Herald, anchored in Tauranga Harbour. This marked the entrance of God’s Word to the area as Rev. Henry Williams proclaimed the Gospel of Peace to the Tauranga Moana Tangata Whenua. 

Today, the YWAM KOHA sits in the same waters, within sight of where the Herald anchored. The KOHA will be ready to sail from Tauranga Moana as a “Herald of hope and healing“ to isolated island communities in 2021. 

We have witnessed amazing favour as we work to prepare the KOHA to serve: 

  • Many volunteers giving their time and talents
  • Donations of supplies 
  • Financial gifts

For example; in the month of June, we received over $100,000NZD towards the upgrade projects. Given the current financial climate globally, this is an incredible encouragement to us to push forwards. We need another $175,000 to complete the upgrade work that the ship requires. Would you partner with the isolated?

There are two main ways can you partner:

  1. One-off gifts to the upgrade projects
  2. Become a monthly Impact Partner

Click on the above button if you want to partner.

For the sake of the Isolated,

Marty Emmett

On behalf of the YWAM Ships Aotearoa Crew

ps. We will be hosting more public tours on the YWAM KOHA in September. Click on the below button info on these tours. If you could help us get the word out about these tours it would be so helpful